Parochial Vicar. Co-operation and Autonomy in the Pastoral Work
Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2016, Vol 5, Issue 1
The parochial vicar office, which has undergone a long evolution in the Church, cannot be regarded as performing ad hoc tasks assigned by the parish priest. The ministry of parochial vicar is also not determined, as in the 1917 Code, using five different categories: the current vicar, the administrator, the substitute, the assistant, or the associate. The current law – inspired by the Second Vatican Council – considers the vicar to be an authentic associate pastor and participant in his care, who is organized for this service by the diocesan bishop – on the principle of fraternal cooperation – to hold under the authority of the pastor, the work not only of a priestly nature, but pastoral (cf. can. 545 § 1 CPC). The duties and powers of a parochial vicar, except those of the Code conferring on him in certain situations even the power to replace the pastor, have been more specifically defined by the particular law. For a better understanding of the relationship between the cooperation and autonomy of the parochial vicar in the pastoral ministry it is highly advisable to use the provisions of the diocesan synods, which, having taken into consideration the specificity of certain parishes and dioceses, have identified the right place for the parochial vicar. He exercises his ministry with the mandate of the diocesan bishop, but under the authority of the pastor, with whom he should agree all plans and intentions. As a confrere of the pastor in the care of the parish, he has received the appropriate autonomy, which will not only make his ministry more fruitful, but will prepare him for future independent pastoral work.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Kołodziej
Konkordat między Stolicą Apostolską i Republiką Słowacką
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