Passion as an Essential Aspect of Work Experience


Working plays a relevant role in both personal and social life. Reflections on understanding its importance are necessary for accurately harnessing it for life, ensuring that it is in harmony with our whole life and serves s a source of sense of meaning and joy. The article indicates the different ways of experiencing work: as a source of material resources, social obligation, shaping identity, self-realization, determining social status and to establish contacts with other people. Attention has been drawn to the connection between the quality of work with the dimension which is called passion. Passion is defined together with what makes a person perform their work with passion. The importance of passion has been shown on the example of the research of American psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. For more than 25 years the author led a study through which he tried to explain why some people feel the maximum while others do not, although both execute the same operation. From its results, he developed flow theory. The consequence of the lack of passion is the mediocrity of work results. Negative consequences also arise when a person treats passion instrumentally, that is, as a means to gain more success. The article describes examples of such an attitude towards passion. True passion continues until it remains a genuine space for personal freedom and it is not the result of any necessity. Therefore, the pedagogical interpretation should be focused on creating the conditions conducive to the formation and development of passion, not indicating what might it be useful for.

Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Jazukiewicz


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  • EP ID EP253560
  • DOI 10.12775/SPI.2017.2.003
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How To Cite

Iwona Jazukiewicz (2017). Passion as an Essential Aspect of Work Experience. Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie, 20(2), 85-101.