The article discusses the phenomenon of the “Black badman” in the context of Quentin Tarantino’s film Django Unchained. A brief outline of the history of Black folktales provides the parameters for the rise of violent ta...
The article discusses Henry David Thoreau’s domestic spatial imagery in Walden, in terms of Bachelard’s poetics of space, as a set of angles, nests, crusts, and shells. The analysis identifies uncanny similarities betwee...
The article shows how hero as myth has become a popculture icon. In literature new model of ancient Greece hero represents Percy Jackson from Rick Riordan’s books about Olympians. Movie based on this novel shows how Gree...
Julia Banaszewska, Karol Jachymek (2013). Patrząc wstecz. Współczesny dokument wobec PRL-u. Kultura Popularna, 1(35),
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„Podoba mi się, jak umierasz, chłopcze”. Django i jego Czarny Antybohater
The article discusses the phenomenon of the “Black badman” in the context of Quentin Tarantino’s film Django Unchained. A brief outline of the history of Black folktales provides the parameters for the rise of violent ta...
Thoreau’s Surreal Imagery of Homemaking and Mumford’s Myth of the Machine
The article discusses Henry David Thoreau’s domestic spatial imagery in Walden, in terms of Bachelard’s poetics of space, as a set of angles, nests, crusts, and shells. The analysis identifies uncanny similarities betwee...
Internetowy talk show. Popularność nazwy czy gatunku?
Geneza mitu superbohatera. Różne oblicza (super)bohaterów w kinematografii, literaturze, Internecie
The article shows how hero as myth has become a popculture icon. In literature new model of ancient Greece hero represents Percy Jackson from Rick Riordan’s books about Olympians. Movie based on this novel shows how Gree...
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