Peculiarities of model development for estimation of efficiency of navigation and ship control systems
Journal Title: Сучасні інформаційні технології у сфері безпеки та оборони - Year 2018, Vol 31, Issue 1
The article is devoted to the analysis of the existing indicators of the effectiveness of navigation systems and vessel traffic management, which led to the conclusion that the probability of performing a task without emergency events is the most acceptable integrated indicator. Also, the article proposes a block diagram of the general "ship navigation and control system", which is used as a function of the conditional probabilities for solving tasks by each complex and is the basis for research into the formation of an algorithm for determining the probability of performing a task without emergency events. In addition, the model considered in the article for determining the effectiveness of the task of navigating and controlling the movement of a ship without emergency events, according to known a priori technical and operational characteristics of the component subsystems, allows solving the task of analyzing and synthesizing the structure of the navigation system and controlling the movement of the vessel in modern conditions. The application of the model allows to reduce the cost in comparison with the variants with the same efficiency index when solving problems, and to improve the probability of accident-free navigation provided that the cost of the system variant is constant. In the next research, it is advisable to develop a method for finding conditional probabilities for solving tasks by each complex of the navigation and control system through indicators of reliability and accuracy of systems that will analytically link the technical and operational characteristics of individual systems with the probability of performing the task of navigation systems and controlling the movement of ships without emergency events.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksiy Danick, Irina Trofimenko, Oksana Kolomiets
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