Pengaruh Kecanduan Game Online Siswa SMA Kelas X Terhadap Kecerdasan Sosial Sekolah Kristen Swasta Di Makassar
Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue 2
Technology development is very rapidly growing at the present time. One part of this is the development of online games based on the internet. The development of these online games has already gained control over many people, especially teenagers. Teenagers spend a lot of time playing online games. Social intelligence is low making these kids less sociable with friends in the real world. The purpose of this paper is: First, to find out how online games result in online game players becoming addicted. Secondly, to find out if online game addiction affects social intelligence for online gaming users. Third, so that students of class X and teenagers generally understand the dangers of online game addiction. Fourth, to help teenagers to avoid online game addiction problems that negatively impact social intelligence.
Authors and Affiliations
Maurice Andrew Suplig
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