The article is an attempt of comparative analysis of selected essays by Victor Erofeev and
Andrzej Stasiuk. One of the factors uniting their work is the vision of Central-Eastern Europe as
a region which has been losing...
The very state of contemporary linguistics presupposes not only the appearance of new aspects and objects of research, but also a return to certain previously described linguistic categories. Preposition is undoubtedly o...
The article includes the analysis of the content in the “Literary Section” of the weekly “Kraj” released in Saint Petersburg. The turning point 1906 refers to the revolutionary riots of the Russian Revolution what enable...
Wschód p o rw a n y ? Obraz westernizującej się Polski w eseistyce Wiktora Jerofiejewa i Andrzeja Stasiuka
The article is an attempt of comparative analysis of selected essays by Victor Erofeev and Andrzej Stasiuk. One of the factors uniting their work is the vision of Central-Eastern Europe as a region which has been losing...
Номинации заключенного в русском и польском жаргонax преступного мира
Kategoria przyimka jako obiekt opisu lingwistycznego (w związku z międzynarodowym projektem badawczym Przyimki słowiańskie w synchronii i diachronii: morfologia i składnia)
The very state of contemporary linguistics presupposes not only the appearance of new aspects and objects of research, but also a return to certain previously described linguistic categories. Preposition is undoubtedly o...
Problematyka literacko-kulturalna podejmowana na łamach „Działu Literackiego” tygodnika „Kraj” w 1906 roku
The article includes the analysis of the content in the “Literary Section” of the weekly “Kraj” released in Saint Petersburg. The turning point 1906 refers to the revolutionary riots of the Russian Revolution what enable...
Белорусская катойконимия на фоне этноязыковых контактов