„Перекупки” і „Сидухи” в українській ярмарковій культурі: традиції і сучасність (за матеріалами польових етнографічних досліджень)


The problem of complex scientific historical or ethnological analysis «perekupka»(plural form – perekupky) and «sydukhà» (plural form . sydukhy) in the Ukrainian fair trade culture of the 19th . the early 21st centuries was not precisely reflected in the texts of historians, ethnographers, anthropologists, economists, culture researchers or statists. Thus, we can base on some individual work papers with partial mentioning of perekupka and sydukha, among which deserving attention are the scientific explorations of Illia Shulga, and Larysa Havrysh. Integrated fundamental scientific work on problems perekupka and sydukha is not created today. Large number of materials concerning perekupka and sydukha are contained in the works of classical Ukrainian literature. The scientific value of these materials is that classical authors-writers were direct participants, witnesses or interviewers at traditional Ukrainian fairs. Perekupka is a female dealer who was engaged in wholesale or retail trade on fairs or in everyday life among the population of a particular settlement herself (or their family members, who were craftsmen) by produced or acquired from someone completely finished or semi-products or women.s accessories received abroad from their relatives.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kudinova


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How To Cite

Anna Kudinova (2016). „Перекупки” і „Сидухи” в українській ярмарковій культурі: традиції і сучасність (за матеріалами польових етнографічних досліджень). Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 13-20. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-204674