Perspektywy optymalizacji terapii komórkowej z użyciem komórek macierzystych dla regeneracji serca mięśniowego

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue


There is a variety of mechanisms(s) factor(s) that may influence stem cell therapies for heart regeneration. Among the best candidates for stem cell source are: mesenchymal stem cells (also those isolated from adipose tissue), cardiac cell progenitors (CPC) and descendants of iPSC cells. iPSC/s can be potentially beneficial although their pluripotent induction has been still in question due to: low propagation efficacy, danger of genomic integration/instability, biological risk of current vector system teratoma formation etc. which have been discussed in this review. Optimization protocols are required in order to enhance stem cells resistance to pathological conditions that they may encounter in pathological organ and to increase their retention. Combination between gene transfer and stem cell therapy is now more often used in pre-clinical studies with the prospect of subsequent clinical trials. Complementary substances have been contemplated to support stem cell viability (mainly anti-inflammatory and anti- apoptotic agents), which have been tested in animal models with promising results. Integration of nanotechnology both for efficient stem cell imaging as well as with the aim to provide cell supporting scaffolds seem to be inevitable for further development of cellular therapies. The whole organ (heart) reconstruction as well as biodegradable scaffolds and scaffold-free cell sheets have been also outlined.

Authors and Affiliations

Paulina Gapska, Maciej Kurpisz


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  • EP ID EP241429
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0010.6665
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How To Cite

Paulina Gapska, Maciej Kurpisz (2017). Perspektywy optymalizacji terapii komórkowej z użyciem komórek macierzystych dla regeneracji serca mięśniowego. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 71(), 975-987.