Persuasion in Polish translations of songs by Martin Luther based on the chorale entitled Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
Journal Title: Notes Muzyczny - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 8
Reformation songs were one of the most effective means to promote the idea of the new faith expressed in the “pure” Gospel. The message reaching the faithful and future members of the Church had to have the right form, full of relevant modes of persuasion. Martin Luther, a seasoned expert on rhetoric, was well aware of the power of songs as he created around a dozen chorales for liturgical and private use. Among his works, one has a special place – the song entitled Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, which is regarded as the unofficial anthem of the Lutheran Church. The meaning attributed to A Mighty Fortress Is Our God has been frequently changed throughout the ages. It has transformed from an expiatory psalm through a battle hymn of the Creator calling to defend the homeland and the throne, to finally turn into a song of trust in divine protection. Such versatile interpretation of the text of the chorale makes it very good material for analysis. The article is an attempt to define the means used so as to convince the audience/performer in whom the author intended to raise specific emotions and social attitudes. These techniques have been illustrated based on Polish translations of Luther’s compositions a few versions of which can be found in Evangelical prints created throughout five centuries. This study is also an attempt to answer the following question: What did the song persuade recipients to do in the past and how should it be interpreted by modern-day Christians?<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Dawid Ślusarczyk
Zabytkowy fortepian Pleyela. Studium egzemplarza nr 32 490 z 1862 roku na przykładzie „Preludiów” op. 28 Fryderyka Chopina, cz. II
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