Physiological and Psychological Development of the Primary School Pupil’s Personality in the Process LaborEducation

Journal Title: International Journal of Education and Science - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


Background and Aim of Study: The article deals with the problem of development of analytical-synthetic activity of the motor analyzer, formation of visual-motor coordination and general development of primary school students at technology lessons. Particular attention is paid to the study of the division of pupils’ hands function when performing operations that require the usage of tools. The aim of the study: to check a number of objective conditions influencing the character of the interaction of hands, fingers and visual-motor coordination of students’ at technology lessons by means of practical activity. Materials and Methods: For the achievement of the mentioned purposes general scientific methods of theoretical level are used. Results: Performing tasks at crafts’ lessons requires a more flexible division of hands. The right hand in these cases performs the main function, handles the object of work with the help of a tool. The left hand holds the material. As a result of the study, some objective conditions influencing the nature of the interaction of hands and fingers, visual and motor coordination of students: the workplace, the properties of the object of work were determined. Analysis, division of each operation into separate movements contributes to the formation of a mode of movement that regulates labor activity. Conclusions: In the initial period of teaching crafts, the main methods should be analysis and synthesis. But the peculiarity of these methods is determined by the laws of motor development of the child, the peculiarity of the formation of skills.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalka Valeriivna Kotelianets, Iulia Serhiivna Kotelianets


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  • EP ID EP427914
  • DOI 10.26697/ijes.2018.1-2.03
  • Views 206
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How To Cite

Natalka Valeriivna Kotelianets, Iulia Serhiivna Kotelianets (2018). Physiological and Psychological Development of the Primary School Pupil’s Personality in the Process LaborEducation. International Journal of Education and Science, 1(1), 21-27.