Physiotherapeutical management after osteoporotic fractures
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2006, Vol 8, Issue 4
Osteoporosis, characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, can cause fractures after even a minor trauma, resulting in serious disability and even death. These fractures lower the quality of life, restrict the patient's ability to remain independent, and reduce self-esteem. Fractures caused by osteoporosis are an increasing problem, in both their medical and socio-economic aspects. The risk of osteoporotic fracture in the vertebrae, the proximal femur, and the distal radius increases with age. With proper physiotherapeutic management, promptly applied, many complications can be avoided and the quality of life can be improved. The aim of our article is to present a comprehensive physiotherapeutic approach after the most common fractures, taking into consideration safety factors in performing activities of daily living, in order to prevent subsequent fractures. Physiotherapeutic management after vertebral fracture includes 3 phases. Phase 1 aims at bone union and avoiding complications; phase 2 is directed to work on increasing physical fitness and learning proper and safe everyday activities; phase 3 encourages improvement and maintains the skills learned in the previous phases. The complete program of rehabilitation after a fracture of the proximal femur involves physiotherapy after surgery, prevention of further bone mass loss, and limiting the number of falls and subsequent fractures. The goal of management after a distal radius fracture is to restore normal hand functions and prevent complications resulting from limb immobilization. Physiotherapy, including kinesiotherapy, physicotherapy and ortotics support, should be an important element in the comprehensive therapy of osteoporotic fractures.
Authors and Affiliations
Bożena Jasiak-Tyrkalska, Edward Czerwiński
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