Phytoindicators of ecosystem dynamics in ring-bank ukrainian polissia
Journal Title: ScienceRise: Biological Science - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4
<p>The publication discusses the study results of energy dynamics in ecosystems. The goal of the study is to search for objective parameters to determine the indicator of the ecosystem dynamics and basing on the above-ground phytomass quantitative indices, its age and changes of floristic composition we demonstrate the possibility of the accurate phytoindication assessment of ecosystems dynamics. It is determined that the indicators of above-ground phytomass naturally increase during self-development of natural ecosystems (autogenic succession).</p><p><strong>Materials and methods.</strong> The above-ground phytomass is measured in ecosystems that are at different stages of autogenic succession. In order to balance the fluctuation of the indicators, that was caused by the domination of species with different types of photosynthesis, the correction for the age of the above-ground phytomass was used.</p><p><strong>Results.</strong> The dynamics indicator increases during the autogenic succession. External influences deflect it from the main trend. The anthropogenic influence often displaces succession in the opposite direction. The method was tested on the territory of Right-Bank Ukrainian Polissia. Expansion of the database of results of dynamic indicator determination allows to calculate this indicator with accuracy sufficient for practical and theoretical purposes. Such methods allow studying ecosystem thermodynamics (entropy and energy stocks) and ecosystem dynamics in noninvasive and non-contact way without affecting of plant biodiversity. Such approaches could be the most suitable for conducting studies on natural protected areas. Within such objects, it is not allowed to remove the above-ground phytomass, to determine the energy and dynamic indicators.</p><p><strong>Conclusion</strong>. The unit that will correspond the self-development stage, is an index that is directly proportional to the aboveground phytomass quantity and its age. The ecosystem entropy value will be inversely proportional to the self-development stage index. This index can be determined by classical phytoindication methods upon detailed database availability. Measurement errors, associated with phytoindication method range from 3 % to 10 % comparing to 5-10 % for direct method, are commensurate. The phytoindication approach allows application of this methodology on the protected areas. The index of the ecosystems self-development stage can be used to predict the development of specific studied plots and for the needs of ecosystem classification</p>
Authors and Affiliations
Ivan Khomiak, Iryna Onyshchuk, Nataliia Demchuk
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