Підвищення ефективності діяльності виборчих комісій: склад та основні напрями їх підготовки
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 81, Issue 1
У статті розглянуто проблему підвищення ефективності діяльності виборчих комісій в Україні через призму аналізу її недоліків. Виокремлено негативні чинники, які спричиняють порушення членами комісій процедурних вимог законодавства під час голосування. Сформульовано перелік завдань, виконання яких допоможе усунути вказані недоліки в системі адміністрування виборчого процесу, а також вироблено пропозиції для оптимального їх розв’язання на стадіях утворення виборчих комісій та їх безпосередньої діяльності в день голосування. The article is dedicated to the problem of increasing the effectiveness of electoral commissions in Ukraine through the prism of its drawbacks analysis. The negative factors, which cause the violation of the legislative procedural requirements by the members of the commissions during voting, are distinguished. Procedural violations that members of election commissions commit, including non-observance of the terms and sequence of procedures on the voting day, inappropriate room conditions, the absence of comfortable conditions for the commission's work and voting, the presence of unauthorized people at polling stations that illegally interfere into the process of will expression, detection of inaccuracies in voter lists that lead to the inability of voters to realize their electoral rights, the issuance of ballots to people who are not district voters, etc., occur mainly because of the lack of training and lack of professional competence of district election commissions members. The list of main tasks, which implementation will help to overcome the above mentioned shortcomings in the system of the electoral process administration, is formulated. In particular, it has been found out that primarily trough reforming the system of electoral administration, unification and systematization of national electoral legislation, as well as simplification of some procedures it is possible to increase efficiency and to provide uninterrupted work of commissions. This includes, for instance, the change of the election procedure of election commissions members with the participation of political parties or candidates, the change of the minimum number of members of election commissions, which sometimes becomes critical on the voting day, the holding of measures for maintaining the qualification, training, independence and impartiality of members of election commissions. First of all, improvement of the current system of election process organization means not only the change of approaches to the formation of election commissions, but also their functioning, based on a professional approach. Such high professionalism can be ensured, for instance, establishing a unified system of election commissions for all types of elections that will work on the permanent basis, as well as supplementing the commissions during the election process by members of commissions using the participants of the election process. In this case, it makes sense to introduce the latest educational technologies, stimulate the professional growth of members of election commissions in order to achieve their goals.
Authors and Affiliations
Катерина Олександрівна Павшук
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