Pielęgniarki/pielęgniarze systemu vs ratownicy medyczni- cicha wojna czy otwarty konflikt ?
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo w Stanach Nagłych - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 3
The Emergency Medical Services is a very important part of healthcare in Poland. People who work in this system have a very high responsibility, they have to deal with particularly strong stressors, in conditions where they have no access to hospital facilities with their extensive diagnostics and the possibility of consulting specialists. Nurses/(system) nurse practitioners and paramedics prevail among ambulance crews and their professional qualifications are equal. However, as the results of this study show, the above factors cause conflicts between these two groups.
Authors and Affiliations
dr n. med. Ireneusz Barziej, Damian Wolanin, lek. med. Kinga Miusek
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