The subject of the essay is Romuald Mieczkowski’s picture of Vilnius emerging from poems and short stories that reveal the value of key themes. They are topoi and at the same time they refer to biographical facts. The po...
A park is described in this article as a scene of public life where members
of the modern society develop their shared forms of behaviour. This is also the
perspective of interpretation for the final scene of Witold Gomb...
The subject of the article is an interpretation style of Juliusz Słowacki’s works worked out as late as in the 19th century, and retained in the 20th century in outstanding readings by Juliusz Kleiner. The very style pay...
The author suspiciously analyses the work by Paweł Bohuszewicz on the Polish Baroque romance. She brings the narratological method closer, yet presents a series of doubts and objections against the means of using „fashio...
Dokąd bądź (fragment)
Wilno w twórczości Romualda Mieczkowskiego
The subject of the essay is Romuald Mieczkowski’s picture of Vilnius emerging from poems and short stories that reveal the value of key themes. They are topoi and at the same time they refer to biographical facts. The po...
„…do parku… do parku”. Przyczynek do interpretacji pewnej sceny parkowej
A park is described in this article as a scene of public life where members of the modern society develop their shared forms of behaviour. This is also the perspective of interpretation for the final scene of Witold Gomb...
O, ironio! Rzecz o Juliuszu Słowackim
The subject of the article is an interpretation style of Juliusz Słowacki’s works worked out as late as in the 19th century, and retained in the 20th century in outstanding readings by Juliusz Kleiner. The very style pay...
Heliodor – Rubinkowski – Twardowski. Trzy „romanse” wobec ciała i seksualności
The author suspiciously analyses the work by Paweł Bohuszewicz on the Polish Baroque romance. She brings the narratological method closer, yet presents a series of doubts and objections against the means of using „fashio...