Poisk novyh priemov arhitekturnogo formoobrazovania energoeffektivnyh vysotnyh zdanij v konkursnom proektirovanii (The search for new methods of architectural forming of the energy efficient high-rise buildings in the design contest)
Journal Title: Budownictwo o zoptymalizowanym potencjale energetycznym - Year 2012, Vol 1, Issue 1
The implementing of a multiannual program for the promotion of energy efficiency (SAVE 1998-2002) is realized in the form of searching for new principles of construction of energy-efficient buildings. This is mainly achieved by the design contest, which involves young architects. The paper presents an analysis of the projects of Belarussian students presented at the international competition held in 2010 under the guidance of French company Saint-Gobain Insulation.
Authors and Affiliations
Nina Kozar
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