Reports of the Polish diplomatic mission in Madrid from the years 1791–1792
Excerpt from the diplomatic correspondence of the Polish mission in Madrid is one of more than a dozen of this type of manuscripts preserved at...
Correspondence between Ministry of Religion and Public Education and Austro-Hungarian occupation authorities on takeover of archival materials left behind by Russian administration (March-July 1918).
At the end of World...
Paweł and other writers from Przeworsk in the late 15th century
History of Przeworsk town became a subject of the basic studies over the years; the first study was devoted to the Tarnowski Family, owners of this town, an...
EP ID EP517530
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How To Cite
Małgorzata Kośka (2018). Półrocznik Hereditas Monasteriorum, t. 6 (2015); t. 7 (2015). Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica, 25(25),
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Kasaty klasztorów na obszarze dawnej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i na Śląsku na tle procesów sekularyzacyjnych w Europie, red. Marek Derwich, t. 1–4, Wrocław 2014
Ekscerpt korespondencji dyplomatycznej poselstwa polskiego w Madrycie z lat 1791–1792
Reports of the Polish diplomatic mission in Madrid from the years 1791–1792 Excerpt from the diplomatic correspondence of the Polish mission in Madrid is one of more than a dozen of this type of manuscripts preserved at...
Korespondencja Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego z austro-węgierskimi władzami okupacyjnymi w sprawie przejęcia archiwaliów pozostawionych przez urzędy rosyjskie (marzec – lipiec 1918)
Correspondence between Ministry of Religion and Public Education and Austro-Hungarian occupation authorities on takeover of archival materials left behind by Russian administration (March-July 1918). At the end of World...
Wystawa „Jan III Sobieski. Polski król w Wiedniu” (Wiedeń, 7 VII – 1 XI 2017)
relacja z wystawy o Janie III
Paweł i inni pisarze przeworscy w drugiej połowie XV wieku
Paweł and other writers from Przeworsk in the late 15th century History of Przeworsk town became a subject of the basic studies over the years; the first study was devoted to the Tarnowski Family, owners of this town, an...