Поняття «розумні строки» в адміністративному судочинстві


Статтю присвячено розкриттю змісту та юридичної природи поняття «розумні строки» в адміністративному судочинстві. На підставі дослідження наукових концепцій у цій сфері, огляду вітчизняної судової практики та практики Європейського Суду з прав людини визначено критерії розумності строків в адміністративному судочинстві. З’ясовано значення дотримання судом критеріїв розумності строків під час розгляду адміністративних справ. The article is devoted to the disclosure of the content and legal nature of the concept of «reasonable term» in administrative proceedings. Based on the study of scientific concepts in this area and the review of domestic jurisprudence and practice of the European Court of Human Rights, the criteria for the reasonable of terms in administrative proceedings have been determined. The value of compliance by the court with the criteria of the reasonableness of terms during the consideration of administrative cases is clarified. There is a certain "dialectic" between the duty of the court to consider the case within a reasonable time and the duty of the court to resolve the case reasonably, in good faith and prudently. In the theoretical aspect of this contradiction the distinction between the concepts "reasonable time" and "quick consideration" is solved. In practice, the question of compliance with the criteria of reasonableness of time is solved by the individuality of the approach to determining the length of the relevant terms, depending on the following aspects: category and complexity of the case, the behavior of the participants in the case, as well as the capacity of the court. At the same time, the unlawful conduct of a judge in the form of violation of terms may be grounds for bringing a judge to disciplinary responsibility. Objective criteria for the expediency of time in an administrative proceeding are: 1) consideration and resolution of a case within the terms specified by law; 2) review and resolve the case as soon as possible; 3) the implementation of procedural actions and the adoption by the court of procedural decisions, as well as the execution of procedural obligations by participants in the case with unconditional compliance with the terms established by law or determined by the court; 4) the timely execution of a court decision which has become legally effective, in particular, the opening of enforcement proceedings, taking measures to fully implement the court's decision; 5) the possibility of departing from the time limits specified by law or established by the court only for objective reasons, which are caused by insurmountable circumstances, independent of the will and behavior of the court and / or participants of the case. Reasonable time in administrative proceedings is the shortest within a certain time, within the limits specified by law or established by the court, during which the court carries out the consideration and resolution of the case, which allows a thorough and complete investigation of the evidence submitted by the parties, to establish the factual circumstances of the case which are relevant for making a legitimate and motivated decision.

Authors and Affiliations

Ян Олександрович Берназюк


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Ян Олександрович Берназюк (2018). Поняття «розумні строки» в адміністративному судочинстві. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 84(4), 149-157. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-541549