Possibilities of Automatic Identification of Lithuanian Terms
Journal Title: Kalbu studijos / Studies about Languages - Year 2010, Vol 16, Issue 1
The article briefly presents the terminological situation in Lithuania and all over the world. It analyses how the work of people involved in this field has been changed because of the technological and computational development, emergence of corpora, etc. The issues when it became instrumental to analyze the terms in corpora and when the first computational programs automatically determining the terms have been introduced are also taken into the account. The special emphasis in this article is put on the importance of corpora for analyzing terms, defining them and structurizing dictionaries of the terms. The stages of the terminograph how it analysis mono or bilingual corpora are described in the article as well. The paper also introduces the electronical corpora or data bases which are currently available for finding Lithuanian terms and a project which has encouraged research of the possibilities of automatic identification of educational and scientific terms. The project is called Automatic Identification of Educational and Scientific Terminology (ŠIMTAI) and is supported by the Lithuanian Research Council's National Development Program of Lituanistics (2009-2015). Additionally, the results of one experiment which supplies the process of automatic terms’ identification, which reveals uprising problems and possibilities to identify Lithuanian terms automatically, are reviewed in this paper.
Authors and Affiliations
Erika Rimkutė
Auditorinė praktika: grįžtamasis ryšys specialybės kalbos studijose
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