Transplantation in general and especially lung transplantations are limited by the shortage of suitable organ donors. Brain death is connected with many potentially harmful reactions. This can adversely affect organ fu...
Michał Zembala (2006). Postdoctorial Research Fellowship – inny pacjent, ta sama medycyna. Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska, 3(1),
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What is “normal” pump flow?
Does the cardiac rehabilitation is essential in the age of modern invasive cardiology and cardiac surgery
Care of the potential lung donor - new challenge for the anesthetists in Poland
Transplantation in general and especially lung transplantations are limited by the shortage of suitable organ donors. Brain death is connected with many potentially harmful reactions. This can adversely affect organ fu...
Kurs Applied Science for Cardiothoracic Surgeons w Pradze
Wiktor Bross – pionier torakochirurgii i twórca wrocławskiej kardiochirurgii