Postmodern Nomadism and Neotribalism in Today’s Ukrainian Society


The paper focuses on two postmodern phenomena known as nomadism and neotribalism. Both of them are apparent in today’s Ukrainian society. The problem of globalisation and westernisation of social life is interpreted by postmodern sociology as a trace of Western European values in such areas as economy, politics and culture in most countries of the world, including Ukraine. One of the key consequences of westernisation is a postmodern phenomenon of contemporary nomadism in the form of global migration processes, characterised by tight (intragroup) and at the same time flexible (intergroup) neotribal social relationships.

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How To Cite

VALENTYNA PLIUSHCH, VIKTOR TANCHER (2018). Postmodern Nomadism and Neotribalism in Today’s Ukrainian Society. Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг, 4(), 179-188.