Praktykowanie pamięci (Mnemosyne. Pamięć jako źródło dzieła sztuki, pod red. Marii Cieśli-Korytowskiej i Jakuba Czernika, Wydawnictwo Avalon, Kraków 2016
Journal Title: Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich - Year 2017, Vol 60, Issue 3
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Cieślak
Między wolnością badacza a pragmatyzmem. O degradacji nauk humanistycznych w obecnym dyskursie edukacyjnym / Between Freedom of the Researcher and Pragmatism. On Degradation of Human Sciences in Contemporary Educational Discourse
The article analyses changes in humanities in the context of growth in competitiveness and the influence of free market on education. The author examines the impact of capitalist values on the commercialized process of c...
Grand-Guignol ― paryski teatr grozy
Obraz zaburzeń emocjonalnych w autonarracji K.R. Jamison / Picture od Emotional Disorders in the K.R. Jamison’s Self-narration
The aim of this work is to reconstruct the picture of emotional disorders as revealed in Jamison’s self-narration. The starting point was the question whether self-narration can be a source of information about the patte...
Psychoanaliza w kinie weimarskim
Film and psychoanalysis were born almost simultaneously in the last decade of the nineteenth century. However, the first significant entrance of psychoanalysis into the cinema took place in the Weimar Republic. The clima...
Znaki (nie)pamięci. Teoria i praktyka upamiętniania w Polsce, red. Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska, Marcin Owsiński