Правова інформативність українських народних казок: лінгвокультурологічний аспект
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
The article is devoted to the problems of the linguistic and cultural analysis of Ukrainian folk tales. It has been proved that folk tales transmit elements of social knowledge, verbalize the codes of a national world view and become exclusive material for the philological study of various forms of ethnic and cultural experience. The systematization of theoretical notions that ground the necessity of cognitive and interpretative comprehension of a folklore text, as an initial legal knowledge transmitter, has been provided for the fi rst time. The worked out theoretical foundations of linguistic culturological analysis of verbalized semantic complexes unite legal subjectivity, legal consciousness and legal capacity in the folk epic. It has been stated that the legal subjectivity of lingual signs serves as a basis for the cultural legal informativity of a folklore construct, because it is precisely on the basis of a comprehended personality that we observe the rise of ideas of legal consciousness and capacity, which, in turn, correlate with philosophic legal categories (order, breaking of order, restoration of order). The remit of the investigation stretches as far as the possibility of penetrating into Ukrainian folklore’s legal linguistic conceptual fi eld, reviewing the traditional schemes that describe folk poetic vocabulary, identifying the parameters of the lingual fi xation of elements with legal knowledge in different Ukrainian folklore genres.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Switłana Ławrynenko
Аксіологічна семантика українських прикметників
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