Predictors of symptomatic improvement in eating disorders. Preliminary analysis
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2012, Vol 46, Issue 2
abstract truncated (...) Results. In the studied group, 13 girls suffered from anorexia nervosa – restricting type, 6 from anorexia nervosa binge-eating/purging type, and 6 from bulimia. In the studied group, there was complete symptomatic improvement in 12 persons (48%), subclinical symptoms continued to be observed in 9 persons (36%), and 4 persons (16%) met full diagnostic criteria for eating disorders. The most favourable course was observed in the group with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa restricting type. The least favourable was observed in the group with a diagnosis of bulimia. Results. In the studied group, 13 girls suffered from anorexia nervosa – restricting type, 6 from anorexia nervosa binge-eating/purging type, and 6 from bulimia. In the studied group, there was complete symptomatic improvement in 12 persons (48%), subclinical symptoms continued to be observed in 9 persons (36%), and 4 persons (16%) met full diagnostic criteria for eating disorders. The most favourable course was observed in the group with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa restricting type. The least favourable was observed in the group with a diagnosis of bulimia. Conclusions. The occurrence of symptoms of binging and purging turned out to be a negative prognostic factor in the whole group of patients suffering from eating disorders. A smaller starting declared intensity of aspiring to slimness and level of dissatisfaction with own body by patients measured with the EDI, and satisfaction in the area of communication and emotional commitment on the part of the mother (of the patient) in her relationship with her husband (the father of the patient) measured with the KOR were positive prognostic factors. The significant overrepresentation of patients with a diagnosis of restrictive anorexia in the group of persons with clinical improvement may have an influence on the obtained results.
Authors and Affiliations
Patrycja Cygankiewicz, Dorota Solecka, Maciej Pilecki, Barbara Józefik
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