Premiul Curții Constituționale „Constantin Stere”, Ediţia 2017
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 198
Premiul Curții Constituționale „Constantin Stere”, Ediţia 2017
Premiul Curții Constituționale „Constantin Stere”, Ediţia 2017
Conotații juridico-penale privind piramidele financiare
The practice of a financial pyramid it’s one of the examples of an activity that falls under the incident of art.2411 PC RM. This criminal component was introduced on 08 June of 2012 be the Law 128 for completion of some...
Reglementări ale Noului Cod civil român privind logodna
The pertinent analysis of the New Romanian Civil Code, corroborated not only with the doctrine of Jus romanum antiqum (the old Roman law) and with the Byzantine (state and canonical) legislation, but also with the Church...
Tipologia regimului de guvernare
The article deals with the identification of definitory features of governing regime and analysis all its types. This, in the doctrine there are presented the following types of governing regime, in dependence of distrib...
Calificarea răspunderii profesionale ca formă a răspunderii juridice – temei de abordare a problematicii malpraxisului în educație fizică și sport
The activity of physical education and sport has become, and needs to continue to be, an object of interest for legal practitioners and for those who wish to include this activity in the context and within the rigors of...
Prin amendarea legii cu privire la avocatură, ce se urmărește (dorește): implementarea unei reforme structurale veridice și autentice sau a uneia formale?
This study is designed to overcome the situation created on the issue of admission to the profession of lawyer, to provide initial training of lawyer’s trainees and lawyers, to maintain state registers of lawyers and for...