Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Internet Addiction in College Going Students in Nanded city
Journal Title: National Journal of Community Medicine - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 5
Introduction: There has been an ex-plosive growth in the use of internet not only in India but also world-wide in the last decade. The internet is used by some to facilitate re-search, to seek information, for in-terpersonal communication, and for business transactions. It was neces-sary to evaluate pattern of internet usage, risk factors and prevalence of internet addiction in college stu-dents. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in different colleges across in the Nanded Waghala City Municipal Corporation during the period March – April 2016.Pre-validated, Pre-tested, structured questionnaire was developed. Young’s 20-item scale for Internet addiction (YIAT) was applied to qualify for the prevalence of Internet addiction. The 12-item General Health Questionnaire has excellent psychometric properties as a screen-ing instrument for psychiatric dis-orders in nonclinical settings. Results: This study of college stu-dents aged 17-25 years with mar-ginally high male representation (54%), identified 30 % and 35 % as students with mild and moderate Internet addiction respectively. Bi-nary logistic regression found Inter-net addiction to be associated with male gender, continuous login sta-tus, online friendships and online relationship. Conclusions: This study’s results shows that Internet addiction is a growing public health issue, having multiple risk factors and varied pat-terns of Internet use, in a place where the Internet is becoming an inclusive part of an individual’s personal and social life.
Authors and Affiliations
Kishor Surwase, Prashant Bagdey, Hemant Adikane
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