PRIKAZ//REVIEW: STARO RUHO – NOVI SADRŽAJI GLASNIK BIHORA, br. 5, JU Centar za kulturu Petnjica, Petnjica 2020, 380 str.
Journal Title: Historijski pogledi/Historical views - Year 2020, Vol 3, Issue 4
PRIKAZ//REVIEW: STARO RUHO – NOVI SADRŽAJI GLASNIK BIHORA, br. 5, JU Centar za kulturu Petnjica, Petnjica 2020, 380 str.
Authors and Affiliations
PRIKAZ/REVIEW Prof. dr. Izet Šabotić, ČIFČIJSKI ODNOSI I PROMJENA VLASNIŠTVA NAD ZEMLJOM U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI (1878-1918), Centar za istraživanje moderne i savremene historije Tuzla, Tuzla 2019, 320 str.
PRIKAZ/REVIEW Prof. dr. Izet Šabotić, ČIFČIJSKI ODNOSI I PROMJENA VLASNIŠTVA NAD ZEMLJOM U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI (1878-1918), Centar za istraživanje moderne i savremene historije Tuzla, Tuzla 2019, 320 str.
Neki aspekti djelovanja vojske Jugoslavije u agresiji na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu na području srednjeg Podrinja početkom 1993. godine // Some aspects of activity of the Army of Yugoslavia in the aggresion against Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina on the territory of Central Podrinje in the beginning of 1993
The presence of regular Yugoslav military forces in central Podrinje and their participation in the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina have been evident from the very beginnings. As there were no significant force...
Based on unpublished sources from Serbian, Turkish, Austrian and other archives, we illuminate the phenomenon of Muslim volunteers (volunteers). In this study, on the basis of archival material and the telling of contemp...
PRIKAZ/REVIEW Izet Šabotić, ŽIVOT, LJUDI I DOGAĐAJI: Tuzla na razmeđu 19. i 20. stoljeća, Centar za istraživanje moderne i savremene historije, Tuzla 2019, 383 str.
PRIKAZ/REVIEW Izet Šabotić, ŽIVOT, LJUDI I DOGAĐAJI: Tuzla na razmeđu 19. i 20. stoljeća, Centar za istraživanje moderne i savremene historije, Tuzla 2019, 383 str.
Vlasenica od 1991. do 2013. godine: Promjene u etničkoj strukturi stanovništva pod utjecajem rata protiv Republike Bosne i Hercegovine // Vlasenica from 1991 to 2013: Changes in the ethnic structure of the population under the influence of the war against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Before the aggression, Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats, Yugoslavs and Others lived together in Vlasenica. According to the 1991 census, there were 33,942 inhabitants in Vlasenica: 18,727 Bosniaks (55.17%), 14,359 Serbs (42.30%),...