A semi-structured interview schedule was used, which was initially shaped by a pilot interview and a literature search. This was then informed in an interactive manner by the subsequent interviews. A preliminary topic gu...
A multivariate analysis of variance determined that none of the GP or practice characteristics had a significant effect on the GPs' intention to refer at the 5% level of significance.
Conferences 2009
Primary care and dementia: time to act
The needs of primary care mental health service users: a Q-sort study
A semi-structured interview schedule was used, which was initially shaped by a pilot interview and a literature search. This was then informed in an interactive manner by the subsequent interviews. A preliminary topic gu...
General practitioner attitudes towards referral of eating-disordered patients: a vignette study based on the theory of planned behaviour
A multivariate analysis of variance determined that none of the GP or practice characteristics had a significant effect on the GPs' intention to refer at the 5% level of significance.
The introduction of a healthy reading scheme for people with mental health problems: usage and experiences of health professionals and library staff
This study aimed to explore: