
The article is devoted to the study of the process of the emergence of rights in the primitive society of the period of savagery and barbarism. The time frame expands from the beginning of the birth of life (about 4.1 – 3.7 billion years ago) to the invention of methods of cultivation of land and the primary division of labor and the invention of ancient civilization of Sumerians of writing (respectively 6,500 years - 3,100 years BC). The social and anthropological reasons for the emergence of law (needs of common habitation, normative consciousness), the world-view basis, the nature of the binding character of the original rules, their interrelation with morality, are substantiated. The original rules of conduct in the form of prohibitions (taboos), custom, rite, worship and ritual were alloy, a mixture of divine and natural, magical and psychological. These mono norms formed the core of primitive law as the form of proper, necessary behavior, the most significant factor of the force of which was the joint residence and the mutual benefit of acting concertedly.

Authors and Affiliations

Anatolii Zaiets


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  • EP ID EP465786
  • DOI 10.18523/2617-2607.2018.13-19
  • Views 80
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How To Cite

Anatolii Zaiets (2018). PRIMITIVE SOCIETY AND LAW. Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки, 0(), 13-19.