Principles of creations and functions of addition intellectual associations in ancient Rus’ chronicles


The author researches some main methods of the Ancient Rus’ intellectuals in the sphere of creation of chronicle texts. The article analyzes general principles transformation of historical information in text as a result of hard work of orthodox monks on the base of the medieval notions about the territorial, temporal and intellectual frames of the Christian Civilization. The author also covers main semantic, connotation etc. segments of the Ancient Rus’ chronicle texts as an accumulator of unique historical information. Besides the active influence of the Cyril-Methodius Slavic, the Bible and the Saint Fathers theological traditions on the Ancient Rus’ intellectual methods of textual production as an important part of the State construction. A special attention of the article is spared to modeling of the main segments of Ancient Rus’ State (territory, population – local Slavic, Baltic and Finnish tribes, numerous immigrants from Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea region, steppes of the South-East Europe, inside and foreign policy, social relations between nobility, clergy, town and village people etc.) by Christian signs, linguistic fragments of Hebrew, Greek, Latin (classical three Saint languages) and, especially, Church Slavic (artificial language was made on the base of three Saint languages by medieval Slavic intellectuals in IX century) languages. The article also shows aspirations of the Ancient Rus’ duke, church elite and intellectuals-monks to make Rus’ as a heir of the Khazar Kaganat, the Ryurik dynasty and the local Slavic tribe traditions a leader of the Christian Civilization by symbol and linguistic methods including chronicle texts as an ideal form for realizations of numerous creative projects and ambitions.

Authors and Affiliations

Gennady Vinogradov


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How To Cite

Gennady Vinogradov (2016). Principles of creations and functions of addition intellectual associations in ancient Rus’ chronicles. Наддніпрянська Україна : історичні процеси, події, постаті, 14(), 5-14.