Priority Directions of Improvement of Financial Provision of Higher Education in Ukraine


The work analyzes the current state the higher education financing in Ukraine. On the basis of the Treasury system financing higher education detailed analysis, it is possible to highlight the weaknesses and shortcomings of this funding mechanism. In order to review the current state of the higher education financing and directions of its improvement, this paper discovers the mechanism of the Treasury's funding for the higher education, its advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays, the higher educational institutions look for the alternative funding sources therefore, the research was conducted. Due to analysis, one may clearly see that the most common practices usually attract financial aid for the universities. The alternative methods of financing the higher education in Ukraine are offered as a result, there are various possible activities for domestic higher education to reach the desired goals. In addition, all the types of the state financial support were considered the international practices of the private funding became the core theoretical background for the research. On the basis of the obtained results, there are several recommendations to give for the improvement of the financial support of the Ukrainian higher education as well as the promotion of the scientific research activities of the University.

Authors and Affiliations

Anastasiia Salo


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How To Cite

Anastasiia Salo (2017). Priority Directions of Improvement of Financial Provision of Higher Education in Ukraine. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки., 31(), 171-176.