Přístupy k fiskální politice jako nástroji stabilizace ekonomiky: historický pohled / Fiscal policy as a stabilization policy: Historical views
Journal Title: Scientia et Societas - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 1
This paper is aimed at approaches to fiscal policy and their changes over time. It describes the views of discretionary fiscal policy and government ability to stimulate economic activity. We might identify many historical events and economic hypothesis that have influenced implementation of fiscal measures. This article tries to present the most important of them. The Great Depression, economic development in the 1970s and the Great Recession should be seen as the milestones in fiscal policy consideration. These events induced the rethinking of stabilization policy. However, the discussion between economists and politicians hasn’t been over yet. At least two issues remain unsolved: when the counter cyclical discretionary policy should be used and what the effect of a tax or spent policy is.
Authors and Affiliations
Pavel Breinek
Přístupy k fiskální politice jako nástroji stabilizace ekonomiky: historický pohled / Fiscal policy as a stabilization policy: Historical views
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