Problem stosowania najważniejszych aktów prawa alimentacyjnego międzynarodowego w relacjach polsko-hiszpańskich w kontekście egzekucji alimentów na rzecz przebywającego w Polsce dziecka od zobowiązanego przebywającego w Hiszpanii
Journal Title: Studia Iuridica - Year 2017, Vol 72, Issue
This publication presents the evolution of international law acts in the scope of alimony execution from the obliged one residing on the territory of Spain, for the benefit of a child, having the enforcement order and residing in Poland. In this context, it is worth noticing that in case of the discussed Polish-Spanish relations, the performance of scientific discourse concerning alimony execution seems particularly interesting, due to the fact that the prescriptive material being a kind of achievement of international diplomacy in the practical aspect, is often useless. Despite the formal introduction of other legal acts, that is the New York Convention of 1956, the Hague Convention of 1973, the Lugano Convention of 1988 and the Brussels I Regulation (regulation 44/2001), it can be stated that during the practical use of law, a jumping evolution occurred which was the fact that Polish courts only utilized the New York convention and skipped other, indicated acts herein, until the moment of implementation of the regulation 4/2009. The aim of the authors is to point the reasons of such a condition and the presentation of the process leading the obtainment of the benefits due to the entitled one.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Aksamitowska-Kobos,, Jakub M. Łukasiewicz
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