Проблема періодизації імміграції до США та Канади


The changes that have taken place in the United States and Canadian immigration policies since the 1960s have changed the ethnic and racial profile of these states. The statistics and projections for the next 20-30 years show that ethnic and racial diversity in both the United States and Canada will only increase. Analysis of the transformation of the immigration policy of the USA and Canada of the fourth wave of immigration is of great scientific and practical value. Despite the Russian Federation’s hybrid aggression, Ukraine, being included in the world processes (such as modernization, democratization, globalization, etc.), should take into account the USA and Canada’s ways of implementing the immigration policy, as well as the role of the state in the control and regulation of immigration. We deliberately highlight the four periods in the history of the U.S. and Canadian immigration (although possible variations on the detail of its periodization). In our opinion, this is not derived only from the historical facts, or the entry into force (or the lapse of validity) of certain normative and legal acts, as confirmed by the studies on migration studies, but also corresponds to our research approach of cross-national comparison in the form of indirect (implicit) binary comparison with the use of a research strategy for most analogous systems.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleh Kozachuk


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How To Cite

Oleh Kozachuk (2017). Проблема періодизації імміграції до США та Канади. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 35(), 42-50. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-298247