Problems and Directions of Improvement of Public Financial Intervention of Agricultural Enterprises in Ukraine


Todaу, there is no proper legal mechanism of implementing financial and commodity interventions in agriculture of Ukraine. The aim of this work is the study of the current status of state financing of agrarian enterprises of Ukraine to identify problems and give suggestions for the improvement of the state financial support through financial intervention. The article defines the directions of the state stimulation of agricultural sector of Ukraine through the implementation of the state financial interventions. The current state of agriculture was investigated. This is a problem for domestic agricultural producers, which is limited financial resources, lack of necessary volumes of own funds, limited access to loan and borrowed funds. The state of financial support in the form of financial intervention becomes important. We proposed the measures for improving state of financial intervention of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. Use the funds existing duties, taxes and other payments related to the sale of agricultural products, raw materials and supplies. This form will allow funds through the reallocation of resources between sectors of the economy without increasing the tax burden and expenditure budgets of different levels.

Authors and Affiliations

Svetlana Frunza


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How To Cite

Svetlana Frunza (2016). Problems and Directions of Improvement of Public Financial Intervention of Agricultural Enterprises in Ukraine. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки., 29(), 120-129.