Problems Encountered by Mobile Teachers Assigned in Tandag City Division, Surigao del Sur: A Case Study
Journal Title: International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 5
This research study used both the qualitative and quantitative research designs to investigate the problems encountered by the mobile teachers in Tandag City Division. This study specifically aimed to: (1) describe the mobile teacher’ socio-demographic and professional profile;(2)investigate their teaching performance; and (3) discover the problems they encountered in the implementation of the program. The data revealed that most of the mobile teachers assigned in the far-flung barangays of Tandag City are male teachers. Five of them are permanent and only one is contractual. Majority of them are graduates of Bachelor in Elementary Education and they are beginning teachers. The data reveal that they need more training and seminars on the pedagogy of Alternative Learning System and other related topics.In terms of teaching performance, they have a very satisfactory rating in the three indicators namely: personal attribute, competence and professional development. Four problems emerged: lack of instructional materials; delayed release of allowances; absence of permanent learning center and other facilities; and, irregular attendance of ALS students. They also complained the lack of support from local officials and their huge class size.
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