Problems of scientific and technical support’s improvement of investigative activity

Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 33


The problems of improvement of scientific and technical support investigation activities associated with the development of new information technologies and their introduction into practice. One of the most promising areas of investigative activity optimization is the use of automated information systems, creating a variety of software and hardware products designed to improve the efficiency of detection, investigation and prevention of crime. The introduction and spread of this kind of information systems, primarily aimed at optimizing the investigator, unify and automate workflow, saving documents. Among these projects special place is the development and use of «workstations investigator». A complement of software and information system «ARM investigator» Insight «specific modulus» tactical operation, providing it in the block «Criminalistic techniques». Module «tactical operation» should consist of two levels of components: 1) general tactical operations that can be used in the investigation of any crime; 2) subject tactical operations that are carried out in the investigation of certain types of crimes. Creating and proposing module «tactical operation» will contribute to the improvement of information technology software system «ARM investigator» Insight expand the boundaries of implementation in practice of modern investigative innovative projects. When developing tactical operations concerning the investigation of certain crimesand their testing in practice, relevant information necessary to make the proposed tactical operations module «tactical operation» in some forensic techniques with the following elements: a) stages of the investigation; b) investigating the situation; c) the intermediate tactical tasks; d) maintenance of tactical operations; e) persons who interact during tactical operations; f) plan tactical operations. In the proposed system are placed developed, tested in practice tactical operations. This case is not about scientific research or designed «training products» criminology, and the approved and recommended for practical use handling, adapted for practical purposes investigative activities.

Authors and Affiliations

Віктор Михайлович Шевчук, V. M. Shevchuk


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How To Cite

Віктор Михайлович Шевчук, V. M. Shevchuk (2017). Problems of scientific and technical support’s improvement of investigative activity. ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ, 1(33), 108-122.