Professor Yu. P. Miryuta – teacher and scholar (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)


Along with renowned, new biographical and archival materials about teaching, educational and scientific activities of the prominent Ukrainian geneticist of Vavilov’s galaxy of scientists, professor Yuri Petrovich Miryuta, were elucidated. He is known as an independent fighter for classical genetics during the "Lysenko’s" tyranny in 40-50th years of the twentieth century and an active participant in the revival of genetics at the end of 60-70th years in Ukraine. The information is presented on how the Uman National University of Horticulture immortalized its graduate and teacher in the 1924-1930th years, who made a huge contribution to the progress of national genetics, and development of scientific and practical methods of genetic breeding.Key words: Yu. P. Miryuta, history of genetics, Uman Agricultural institute, teaching of genetics, International conference.

Authors and Affiliations

Y. M. Mishkurov, F. M. Pariy, N. Y. Miryuta


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How To Cite

Y. M. Mishkurov, F. M. Pariy, N. Y. Miryuta (2016). Professor Yu. P. Miryuta – teacher and scholar (to the 110th anniversary of the birth). Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 14(1), 110-123.