Program Peningkatan Resiliensi Bagi Pecandu Narkoba: Pendekatan Riset Tindakan Berbasis Kualitatif
Journal Title: JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 1
This study aimed to create a draft program to improve the resilience potential of a drug addict who is on rehabilitation process. Resilience according Wagnild (2009) is the ability of individuals to be able to successfully cope with adversity and change in life. Almost all people have difficulty and falls in the course of life, but they have the resilience to bounce and move on. The ability to get up and continue this life is called resilience. This study is a qualitative research based on action research with descriptive approach. This study is a problem solving approach according to Mckay and Marshall (2001). To obtain the data, researchers used interviews and observation methods. Results of this study in the form of a draft program to improve the resilience of drug addicts is based on the theory and the data obtained from interviews and observations of the subject.
Authors and Affiliations
Irfan Aulia Syaiful, Dearly Dearly
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