Protein polimorphism of cross components at development of common wheat lines with introgression from Triticum migushovae Zhir.
Journal Title: Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
Aim. Determine presence/absence of polymorphism at genes coding wheat proteins with known chromosome localization in order to determine cross components for development of introgressive lines T. aestivum/T. miguschovae, which are optimal for screening progeny for studied proteins. Methods. Protein electrophoresis in PAAG, visualization and comparison of spectra. Results. Electrophoretic spectra components which could be used as markers of chromosomes of Ab, G, D genomes of Migushova wheat, and A, B and D genomes of four cultivars of common wheat were identified for 1-st (gliadins, glutenins), 3-rd (leaf and seed esterase, peroxidase), 4-th (beta-amylase, acid phosphatase), 6-th (gliadins, alfa-amylase), 7-th (alfa-amylase) groups of homeological chromosomes. Conclusions. Progeny from any of the four common wheat cultivars can be studied for the presence of Migushova wheat chromosomes that substituted common wheat chromosomes of 1-st, 3-rd, 4-th, 6-th, and 7-th homeological groups, however, effectiveness of studied protein markers varied for different cultivars.Keywords: wheat introgression, Fusarium head blight, Triticum miguschovae, storage proteins, isoenzymes.
Authors and Affiliations
Т. В. Пасічник, М. З. Антонюк, Т. К. Терновська
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