Proving Ground Testing of an Anti-Aircraft Artillery Evaluation System
Journal Title: Problemy Mechatroniki. Uzbrojenie, lotnictwo, inżynieria bezpieczeństwa - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 3
This paper is an elaboration of the design, operating principle, and a selection of proving ground test results of an anti-aircraft artillery acoustic evaluation system. The correct location of projectiles in flight with the acoustic detection and tracking method was verified with a specially designed optical firing observation system (OFOS).
Authors and Affiliations
Laboratory Setback Activators and Explosive Suitability for Gun Launch
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Analiza numeryczna działania układu tłoka gazowego z suwadłem w karabinkach podstawowych Modułowego Systemu Broni Strzeleckiej kalibru 5,56 mm
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Wyciskanie na gorąco elementów amunicji z kęsa kwadratowego lub okrągłego
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