
У статті досліджено літературні тенденції доби кінця XIX – початку XX століття. Розглянуто стильові напрями у рамках модернізму, зображувально-виражальні прийоми, процес модифікації усталених жанрових канонів прози. This article is dedicated to the study of prose in the context of dominant tendencies of Ukrainian literature development at the end of XIX – beginning of XX century and receptive dimensions of modern literary criticism. The author considers the ideological and axiological principles of belles lettres understanding of reality by writers, aesthetic nature of their works; form and plot unity ofprosaic texts are traced. Genre and style peculiarities and modifications of minor prose of the given epoch are studied; the problem – thematic, plot and compositional variety of writers’ works is analysed. The place and role of legacy of writers in literary process of the period of early Ukrainian modernism is defined. The analysis of minor forms of prose, thematic field of which gender is formed, social and routine, moral and ethical problems – all this gives evidence of authors’ search of their identity, the ways of creative self-realization in accordance with conceptual principles of the epoch. The given motives of writers’ works reflected to the inside feelings and experiences of heroes are present as intertextual inclusions in prose of M. Kotsubinskiy, V. Stefanik, P. Mirniy, L. Ukrainka, O. Kobilianska and other writers at the turn of XIX – XX centuries. The prose of the given period has a great variety of intra-genre modifications: essay, feuilleton, short story, story, novel. The works demonstrate exceptional multidimensionality of their inner structure, style diffusion, eclecticism of belles lettres methods and ways to achieve reality; the motives of “true morals” appear, which form counterbalance and alternative to moral chaos. Syncretic interaction of aesthetic paradigms of neorealism with impressionism, expressionism, symbolism is observed in prose. Significant for prose is not only deep comprehension of social-psychological and cultural-historic determination of person’s consciousness and deals, but also creation of new belles lettres methods corresponding to motivation of the hero’s behavior. The paper defines the ideological and axiological background of the writer’s artistic understanding of the reality and aesthetic nature of creativity. The unity of the form and contest of prose texts is determined. The genre and style features and modifications small and middle forms of prose are considered. The problem-thematic, plot and compositional diversity of the writers’ works is comprehended. The intertextual links of those prose with other Ukrainian authors’ works of this period are analysed. The place and role of prose creative works in Ukrainian literary process at the turn of the century are highlighted.

Authors and Affiliations

Oksana Novitskaya


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Oksana Novitskaya (2017). ПРОЗА ЯК ІСТОРИКО-ТЕОРЕТИЧНА ПРОБЛЕМА УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ КІНЦЯ XIX – ПОЧАТКУ XX СТОЛІТТЯ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 58-63. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-432857