The Marija Piaseckaitė-Šlapelienė’s Lithuanian Bookshop in Vilna (Vilnius) and its Role in Distribution of Belarusian-language Print at 1906–1908 In 1906–1945 there was a Lithuanian bookshop of Marija Piaseckaitė-Šlapeli...
The article discusses the situation of the Ukrainian minority in Poland and the Polish minority in Ukraine with special emphasis on education. The author made a comparative analysis showing the policy of the authorities...
“Belarusian sanation” in Poland (1928–1937): between confrontation and loyality
The article is an attempt to study the problem of time discipline in the periodical press discourse of interwar Belarusian Christian Democr...
The author talks about the deportation of the population and the burning of the gentry outskirts of Grodno province for participating in the uprising of 1863–1864. (Old Style date): Szczuky Grodno district (burned 24–25....
“Belarusian sanation” in Poland (1928–1937): between confrontation and loyality
A number of political trends existed in the Belarusian national movement in Western Belarus in Poland in the interwar period. One such poli...
Літоўская кнігарня Марыі Пясяцкайце-Шлапялене ў Вільні і яе роля ў пашырэнні беларускамоўнага друку ў 1906-1908 гадах
The Marija Piaseckaitė-Šlapelienė’s Lithuanian Bookshop in Vilna (Vilnius) and its Role in Distribution of Belarusian-language Print at 1906–1908 In 1906–1945 there was a Lithuanian bookshop of Marija Piaseckaitė-Šlapeli...
Szkolnictwo mniejszości ukraińskiej w Polsce i polskiej mniejszości na Ukrainie
The article discusses the situation of the Ukrainian minority in Poland and the Polish minority in Ukraine with special emphasis on education. The author made a comparative analysis showing the policy of the authorities...
Праблема дысцыпліны часу ў дыскурсе друку БХД-БНА міжваеннага перыяду
“Belarusian sanation” in Poland (1928–1937): between confrontation and loyality The article is an attempt to study the problem of time discipline in the periodical press discourse of interwar Belarusian Christian Democr...
Дэпартаваныя са шляхецкіх ваколіцаў ў «аддаляныя губерні Расіі» падчас Студзенскага паўстання 1863–1864 гг.
The author talks about the deportation of the population and the burning of the gentry outskirts of Grodno province for participating in the uprising of 1863–1864. (Old Style date): Szczuky Grodno district (burned 24–25....
«Беларуская санацыя» ў Польшчы (1928–1937): паміж канфрантацыяй і лаяльнасцю
“Belarusian sanation” in Poland (1928–1937): between confrontation and loyality A number of political trends existed in the Belarusian national movement in Western Belarus in Poland in the interwar period. One such poli...