Przemiany w kulturze a moralna doskonałość człowieka
Journal Title: Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue
The history of culture confirms that culture undergoes changes. For the sake of evangelization, the Church makes attempts to adapt its language to particular cultural contexts. Hence, there appear projects of evangelization of culture as well as inculturation. Man can develop spiritually thanks to culture enriched with Gospel values. Created in the image of God, man discovers God's calling for perfection, and perceives this perfection in beauty. Referring to the teaching on culture contained in the thought of the Second Vatican Council and theological heritage, especially the works of St. Thomas Aquinas, John Paul II defines culture as the specific way of human existence. On the one hand, man - in community with other people - creates culture, on the other hand, culture influences human thinking and deeds. It is thanks to culture that people experience themselves and assess their own behavior in a truly human way.
Authors and Affiliations
Roman Kuligowski
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