Przeprawa mostowa na wyspę Ledniczka. Wstępne wyniki badań

Journal Title: Studia Lednickie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue


Advanced noninvasive research carried out as part of “Th e cradle of the Piasts: archaeological underwater prospections in the area of Lednickie Lake” (“Kolebka Piastów: archeologiczne prospekcje podwodne w rejonie Jeziora Lednickiego”) project, provided a new collection of artefacts and archaeological sites. Th e article describes preliminary research results concerning the bridge crossing between Ledniczka island and the mainland, which was discovered in 2017. It describes all the stages of the project and the context in which the bridge was discovered. It contains a detailed description of the bridge construction and artifacts, highlighting the metal and wooden objects. Additionally it briefl y mentions the oral tradition concerning bridge to Ledniczka. Th e fi rst mentions about potential bridges come from 1876 from M. Sokołowski’s publications. Th e presented construction analysis and initial C14 dating, as well as dendrochronological dating, suggest that there could be two bridge crossings with diff erent chronology in this place.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Pydyn, Mateusz Popek, Daria Dębicka, Krzysztof Radka


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How To Cite

Andrzej Pydyn, Mateusz Popek, Daria Dębicka, Krzysztof Radka (2018). Przeprawa mostowa na wyspę Ledniczka. Wstępne wyniki badań. Studia Lednickie, 0(), 181-196.