Психологічні властивості та стійкість до стресів високо-кваліфікованих легкоатлетів, які спеціалізуються у спортивній ходьбі [Psychological Properties and Stress Tolerance of High-Qualified Athletes Specializing in Athletic Walking]
Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
In the field of sports, there is a strong interest in the behavioral strategies of professional athletes, thus the study of the psychological characteristics of highly skilled athletes is a very topical issue. The article raises the question of the characteristics of the sports environment and the manifestations of stress among athletes. In the paper the psychological features of the personalities of highly qualified athletes who specialize in athletic walking on a scale of neuroticism and extraversion are investigated and the level of neuro-psychological stability of highly skilled athletes specializing in athletic walking is revealed. The main factors of stress in sports activities are: intense competition during a sporting contestation aimed at establishing a record or achieving victory over the rival; maximum physical and psychological stress during the contestation; systematic, long and intense training, which significantly affect the daily regime and everyday life. Two types of stress among athletes are singled out: social-emotional and training. A study of 12 highly qualified athletes who specialize in athletic walking showed that most of them (50 %) have ambivert abilities. They are concordants and normostenics that are characterized by significant emotional stability, good adaptability, resistance to external influences. However, among the respondents there were some with low and below average neuropsychic stability.
Authors and Affiliations
Vasyl Vasylyuk, Olena Yarmoschuk, Christina Yudkina
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