Psychology of Cool: Meaning and Marketing
Journal Title: Journal of Business Thought - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue
Theword‘cool’hasenteredinthecurrencyoflanguage,especiallythatofyoungpeople.Thetermenjoysadistinctandwelldefinedmeaningindictionary.Indenotativesenseitisrelatedtothedegreeoftemperatureofaliquidorobjectorabody.Itimpliesastatewhensomethingis‘neitherwarmnor 2 verycoldorismoderatelycold’.Often‘cool’isalsousedincontextsotherthanrelatingtotemperature,whenitsignifiescharacterofaperson,placeorbrand.Anythingthatisconsideredtobecoolenjoysattractionandhenceenjoyscustomerfollowing.However,aperceptionof‘un-cool’hasavaluerobbingeffectfromaproduct,placeorphenomenon.Ifbeingcoolcanpossiblygivecompetitiveedgeintermsofcustomerdesirabilityandfollowing,itassumessignificancefrommarketing perspective.
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