Publiczny rynek gazu w Polsce, Gas exchange in Poland
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 0
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim. The changes on the gas market in the world have forced the creation of some institutions dealing with the gas trading and gas exchange. In Europe, gas trading takes place on Energy Exchanges. The biggest are: the Scandinavian Nord Pool, where gas market was launched in March 2008, the German EEX (European Energy) or the French Powernext. In Poland, gas trading takes place on the Polish Power Echange (PPE) and it was launched in December 2012. The aim of this paper is to present the rules of functioning of the Polish gas exchange. There will be presented in detail: market, available products, systems of quotations, indices and basic statistics concerning this market.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Prewysz-Kwinto, Grażyna Voss
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