Quality of life of patients with bronchial asthma treated with specific immunotherapy
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 2
Aim. Assessing the quality of life in patients with diagnosed bronchial asthma and undergoing specific immunotherapy. Material and methods. The study looked at 55 patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma of the allergic origin. The diagnostic survey method was applied in the research, using a standardized questionnaire AQLQ(s) (Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire) and a questionnaire compiled by the authors. Results. The average value of the overall quality of life was 5.50 points (SD = 0.87) and it was statistically dependent on the length of period during which the symptoms of the respiratory system disease appeared (p = 0.043). The aspect of emotional functioning of patients with asthma was statistically dependent on the length of period during which the symptoms of the respiratory system disease appeared (p=0.035). Since the application of specific immunotherapy, more than a half of the respondents (58%) did not notice any deterioration of asthma symptom. Conclusions. The specific immunotherapy that was applied had a positive impact on the quality of life of patients with asthma. The majority of respondents did not notice any deterioration of the disease symptoms, depending on the time of application of immunotherapy. Failing to visit doctors regularly, as well as short treatment intervals appeared to be the most troublesome factors for people undergoing specific immunotherapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Gniadek, Iwona Malinowska-Lipień, Paulina Solarz, Elżbieta Marcisz
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