Radiation hygiene in interventional radiology suite

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 0


Exposure of both patients and medical staff to relatively high doses of radiation is one of the features characteristic of interventional radiology (IR). Regulations regarding this kind of therapeutic management can be found in many legal references and recommendations of European Union Law. The purpose of the paper is collection and systematic analysis of activities and procedures associated with the question of radiation hygiene which should be observed in IR suites. Requirements regarding equipment of the IR suite, as well as radiation protection of patients and medical staff, constitute main questions included in the paper, worked out on the basis of valid regulations and occupational experience of the authors. Particular attention is paid to borderline requirements regarding modern IR suite equipment and its organization. Part of the paper is devoted to the understanding of physical laws of ionizing radiation in biological space and its surroundings. Understanding of physical laws, proper utilization of IR suite equipment, and strict compliance with recommendations of radiation protection by both patients and medical staff are critical for limitation of the harmful influence of radiation during interventional therapeutic procedures. An additional role of the paper is to make it easier to take decisions when creating new IR suites, in accordance with valid regulations and the rule of functionality.

Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Garcarek, Aleksander Falkowski, Dariusz Janczak, Wacław Weyde


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Jerzy Garcarek, Aleksander Falkowski, Dariusz Janczak, Wacław Weyde (2013). Radiation hygiene in interventional radiology suite. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 67(0), 1391-1396. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-67250